Your Best Storage Options: Part I

By: Jennifer Schuler

Technical Writer

Whether you are looking for storage for personal pictures and home movies, or need capacity to store large amounts of images for your business, there are many options available. There is no shortage of online storage places!

One factor that may affect the storage options you can choose from is your computer model and what it can handle.

Getting Your New Computer Up to Speed

By: Jennifer Schuler

As you look to upgrade or replace your current computer, you may be focused on the kind of features you want your new unit to have, yet you may also be thinking about its processing power – or storage speed and capacity.

However, most companies rarely if ever pay any attention to what is inside their computer – the system board and its many components.

3 Online Destinations Where Scammers Target You

By: Oraine Matthews
Content Advocate BlueFirePR

Scammers are incredibly cunning with their line of work. After all, scamming is their job. The Fraud Research Center states that $40 to $50 billion is lost to fraud each year. Prevent monetary loss and fraud by educating yourself on a few new hunting grounds for scam artists.

Tech-Speak: Programming Your Own Computer

Do you ever wish computer programming could be made easy – so that even those of us who are technologically challenged could write a program tailored to our current need? Although it may seem we can now talk to computers with voice recognition software, such as Apple’s Siri, in reality the conversation we are having is only one-sided.

Digital Tools to Curb Snooping

One of the most devastating things that can happen to a person is to have financial or personal information stolen. Identity theft can happen in many ways – through a vehicle break-in, stolen wallet, compromised credit card, stolen mail, or hacked computer.

Advantages of Managed Service Providers

There are many benefits to having an outsourced managed service provider (MSP). How many times has your company needed technological service and maintenance, or IT support? The potential for needing increased services as your equipment ages and your computer programs become more obsolete is almost guaranteed.