Chrome: From HTTP to HTTPS

Within the last year, Chrome has helped users understand that HTTP sites are not secure. More websites use HTTPS, a safer protocol, than ever before. So, how can you benefit from this transition? Find out here. For several years, Google has moved toward a more secure web by strongly advocating that sites adopt the Secure […]

Office 365 will block Flash by 2019

Microsoft recently announced plans to eventually stop the activation of Silverlight, Shockwave, and Flash content in Office 365. This is not just the developers disabling bugs with an option to click a link or button to look at content. Within a few months’ time, Flash will be gone from Office 365 for good.

Mitigating healthcare insider threats

The healthcare industry is unique in that the biggest data security threat comes from insider breaches.The main reason for these unauthorized hacks is financial gain. So how can healthcare organizations protect themselves against insider threats? Read on.

Leave no room for hackers to operate

For most people, social media is a convenient way to stay in touch with family and friends. For a small group of people, it’s an opportunity to profit off other people’s trust. Here are some things you can do to continue enjoying Facebook and Twitter without compromising your privacy.

What are watering hole attacks?

When talking about cyberattacks, the first one that usually comes to mind is phishing, a scam that uses email to spread malware or steal personal information. But hackers have a new method to infiltrate your systems, and it’s surprisingly effective.

Understanding and Avoiding Pop-Up Scams

Staying safe online means knowing who’s out to get you and how to avoid them.
Imagine opening your Chrome browser to a screen that looks like this:

If you’re a Google Chrome user, there’s a chance that you’ll encounter this error. It could happen when you start up your browser or pop up while you’re using a website.

SEO Refresher: Optimizing for Branded and Unbranded Searches

How are your site’s users arriving at your key pages? Are they searching using your organization’s name, or are they using general terms to access information on your services? Gaining a solid understanding of the difference between branded and unbranded searches is a great way to better understand your audience while increasing your SEO rankings.