Beware of these social engineering tactics

The Rio Summer Olympics took place years ago, but the hackers who infamously used social engineering to exploit the event are still with us. Although business owners may think that their systems are safe from malware, they may not be prepared for social engineering.

Making Email Encryption Easy with Provident Bracket

Have you ever needed to send a sensitive email – perhaps containing information you want only your management team to see? Or financial data which a client has entrusted to your accounting firm? Or an update regarding a client’s recent court case?

There are many everyday situations in which companies need to protect the information and data they are sending via online transactions.

5 Easy tips for preventing data breaches

Keeping your personal and professional information safe from cybercriminals is not easy. It takes constant vigilance and frequent training. There are dozens of simple tools and tips to help people with almost zero expertise stay safe online, but these five are our favorites.

The Real-World Truth Behind Disaster Recovery

Picture, for a moment, enjoying the breathtaking sites in Rome, Italy – an ocean away from your usual home life and work routine. The last thing you are likely thinking about as you toss coins into the Trevi Fountain is: will my small business be okay in the event of a disaster?

Yet that is exactly what Ric Hayman, President of Provident Technology, had on his mind when news broke on July 3rd that a major water main break had occurred in downtown Philadelphia.

What are the risks of BYOD?

The bring your own device (BYOD) strategy lets employees use their personal mobile devices to do work for your company from anywhere. This strategy increases efficiency and convenience to your business, but it also brings a number of security risks to your IT infrastructure and data.

Beware of NetSpectre

Cyberattacks continue to evolve at a worrying pace. Just when you think one security threat has been fixed, a more dangerous version of that threat is discovered. One such threat is Spectre and it’s more recent variant, NetSpectre. Read on to learn more.

Security policies for your business

Businesses rarely address cybersecurity in their company policies. With cybercrimes becoming more prevalent, it’s important you inform staff about the threats they could be exposed to. Make sure your business and employees are safe with these security policies.

Assess risks before buying new software

The growing market for cybersecurity products is a sign that businesses are taking the issue seriously. But before your company jumps into investing in any product, ask yourself if it’s really necessary. Find out how you can make the most out of cybersecurity products by conducting a risk assessment.

SMB routers targeted by VPNFilter malware

Earlier this year, news broke that a malware strain named VPNFilter was infecting hundreds of thousands of devices. If you didn’t act then, now’s the time. Security experts have updated their threat assessment and its much worse than they originally thought.

Chrome: From HTTP to HTTPS

Within the last year, Chrome has helped users understand that HTTP sites are not secure. More websites use HTTPS, a safer protocol, than ever before. So, how can you benefit from this transition? Find out here. For several years, Google has moved toward a more secure web by strongly advocating that sites adopt the Secure […]