A step-by-step guide to migrating your unified communications to the cloud

Many businesses are turning to cloud-based unified communications (UC) solutions, such as Unified-Communications-as-a-Service (UCaaS), to facilitate employee collaboration and improve customer experience. This article provides you with valuable insights, best practices, and additional tips to prepare for a hassle-free migration from on-premises unified communications to cloud-based UC.

Consider going hybrid

The migration of UC systems to the cloud doesn't necessarily have to be a full shift.

Harnessing the power of workflow automation

Do you ever find yourself caught in a web of endless tasks and emails, struggling to manage all of your work? Do you feel like there's never enough time in the day to complete your projects? If so, workflow automation can be an invaluable tool for helping you achieve better results with less effort.

Upgrade your business email with Microsoft Exchange Online

Small businesses are often under the misconception that they must invest heavily in an on-premises IT system to get enterprise-level email capabilities. Fortunately, that’s not the case with Microsoft Exchange Online. This cloud-based email solution offers the same great features as an on-premises Exchange Server but without the cost and complexity of deployment.

Keep your SMB safe from these hackers

As technology advances, so do hackers and their skill at infiltrating networks and systems. Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can be particularly vulnerable because they often don't have a dedicated security team or ample resources to protect themselves.

How to ensure the security of IoT devices in healthcare

With the widespread implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare, security concerns that were previously not considered have suddenly become a reality. In 2022, attacks using malware increased by 38% compared to the previous year. This equates to 1410 attacks per week - something device vendors must pay close attention to.

Top productivity tools for remote teams

With the rise of remote work, there's a need for more efficient tools to keep teams connected and productive. In this article, we will explore the best online tools for any successful virtual team. By using these solutions, you'll be able to overcome the challenges remote work brings and get tasks done efficiently.