Easy tips to keep your cloud costs down

Moving to the cloud can save your business a lot of money, which explains why the technology is so widespread. But what many business owners fail to realize is that some cloud services come with hidden costs. And while these costs may seem insignificant at first, they can add up to a staggering amount if […]

Here’s how marketing automation increases leads

Marketing automation has become an essential part of every business’s marketing strategy. Thanks to innovations in IT, business marketing tools have become more affordable for small retailers, online sellers, and other mom-and-pop operations. Don’t pass up the opportunity to maximize all the marketing automation tools available that can increase your leads and give you these […]

Personalize your Windows PC with these tips

Just like its predecessors, Windows 10 is designed to provide a personalized experience to its users. It offers many ways in which you can change your PC’s interface — how it looks, and even how it can be accessed. Here are some Windows 10 customization features you have to try.

How you keep your email account safe

Everyone uses email to send and receive sensitive information, making it an attractive target for cyberattacks. The importance of email security is vital to your company’s operations, so applying the following tips can dramatically reduce your exposure to hackers and malware.

Simple ways to stretch your laptop battery life

One of the top considerations in choosing where to work with your laptop is the availability of a power socket. If you are not lucky enough to find an available outlet, you’ll have to depend on your laptop’s battery — assuming it still has enough power after your last charge.

How to compute the TCO of a VoIP system

If you want to get the most value out of a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution, assess the actual cost of having one. There may be additional or hidden expenses that you might fail to consider, so analyze the total cost of ownership (TCO) to fully comprehend your telecommunications spend.

Web conversion done right in 5 steps

Are there surefire ways to attract prospects to your website and to convince them to sign up for your product or service? The first step is always to make your website easy to use. Read on for five tips that improve user experiences, site trustworthiness, and conversion rates.